I first came across this game when it came free
with my parents Wii, at a first glance I was not that impressed by the
look of the graphics and thought nothing of it and that I would stick to
being a PlayStation man and although that has stayed true this game did
keep my entertained for a while and is still a party favourite, maybe
more so than the PlayStation Move Sports Champion game.
I am sure that everyone knows what this game is about, you play a
variety of sports and it is mainly aimed at playing multi-player rather
than single player and although you can play this single player I can't
recommend it as I got bored of it really quickly. I will now tell you
about each of the sports that you can compete in, these are (in the
order I am going to review them) Bowling, Tennis, Golf, Baseball and
Bowling is my favourite of all of the games on this disc, it has the
simple premise of you bowl to set the top score. I personally find the
bowling experience quite easy if somewhat completely different to normal
bowling and that's not just a bad thing, no lugging a heavy ball around
although with my technique I still jar my arm when realising the ball.
This game excels in the multi-player mode, normally I hate games where
you have to take it in turns but here it works, you bowl your friend
bowls then you bowl, this is like real life and great fun and no pins
getting stuck or unregistered on the score sheet. One thing that can
seem a bit sill is that the pins don't act with the quite right physics
and you can get some falling over from the slightest of touches from
another pin, great for the score if it's you though.
How easy is bowling to pick up I hear you ask? Well I played with
someone who had never played before on Saturday and they managed to set a
score of 150, much higher than they have achieved in real life, I was
also playing for the first time in a year and it is fair to say it is
about getting your groove back, in the first game I got something along
the lines of 150 (the person above got around 120) but in the second
game I managed to get a score of over 200 (only 15 off of my best) and
at one point was on a run of 4 strikes in a row with a total of 6
strikes and I think 3 spares it is fair to say this is a game you can
drop and come back to. In the single player bit you have to try and
increase your ranking basically by setting higher scores, your ranking
however is also adjusted by how well you perform in multi-player modes
and whilst this is a good thing it also means that if you have some
pride in your skill level then you are less likely to try to
underperform to keep your friends and family happy. Do listen to the
warnings and make sure everything is clear, not just from the sides but
also from above as I have managed to smash a glass lamp shade that it
then took my parents a year to find a replacement for (oops)
If you want a realistic tennis simulated then look further, this is a
tennis game that at its best is ok and can result in a bit of a work out
if you really give it some oomph. You can play this both singles and
doubles, which means that again this can be a great multi-player game,
you basically end up running around the room swishing your arm, that is
until you realise that a flick of the wrist gives the same result.
Ultimately this is not like real tennis but is still a good laugh for
adults and kids which is what this game is about.
The golf game is an interesting one, clearly the game is perfect for
this kind of format, what with the swing being the key part of golf (so I
am told, I have never played once for real in my life). This game is
quite easy to pick up, at least the basics are... You swing, you hit the
ball, you try to get it in the hole. There is one big flaw with the
game though and that is that the Wii controllers are just not sensitive
enough for you to be able to hit the ball as you want to, it is far too
easy to over hit and have the ball fly off to the side and equally when
trying to put getting the Wii to register that you are trying to hit it
super duper lightly can result in frustration and the shot gets over
Another thing here is that there are not many holes, just 9, now I have
played Sports Champion of the PS3 move and not only is their version of
golf (Frisbee golf) more sensitive but you also have 18 holes that you
can play in either day or night and you can unlock reverse as well, this
gives a huge selection compared to this and honestly I think they
should be compared as they are both multi-sports games aimed primarily
at the multi-player / party market.
I hate Baseball on here, mainly because I am competitive and I cannot
play it very well, then again nobody I know can play it very well, even
the genius gamer that is my nephew struggles with this one. Ok the idea
of this is that you can be the batter or pitcher, pitching is simple,
you just throw the thing and it goes in basically the right direction
and all is good. Batting however very much has an art to it, I have
managed to hit about 15 home runs or so in my time and at least 12 of
them came in one game where I was just in the groove and it worked, not
only did they come in one game but they came in one innings. Since then
though no luck and I have all but given up on playing this either by
myself or with others. Annoying and boring (also not being American I
probably don't fully appreciate it).
This game is just a case of thrashing your arms about as fast as you
can, do I like it, no, if I wanted a work out I would just do some
exercise, I have never found that there was much skill in this game and
never really enjoyed playing it either single or multi-player.
Everyone of the above game has a training bit so that you can learn how
to do it, this is useful if you are all new to the game but I would
recommend just to get someone to teach you if they already no how.
Overall this is probably one of the best family fun games on the Wii,
mainly because of the fun factor of the bowling game that I have yet to
find matches on the PS3 move and still enjoy playing this the most on
the Wii. I never play single player and I rarely play any of the games
other than the bowling, we got this game for free with our Wii so can't
complain, if you can find it for £10 or less then I would consider
buying it.
Summary: Worth it for the bowling, though I now have sports champion 2 for the PS3 which also has a very good bowling game on it. You can buy this game from here:
Wii Sports - Game Only (Wii)
Many of my reviews have already been posted as the user Kary on Dooyoo.
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